Punjab PSC Previous Year Question Papers

What is Punjab PSC Exam?

In this Blog, we are providing the Last 6 years’ Punjab PSC Previous Year Question Papers with Downloadable PDFs.

PPSC Full Form is PPSC stands for Punjab Public Service Commission. The Punjab Government’s examination body is called PPSC. As Punjab and Haryana used to share this organisation for the recruitment of officers, PPSC was once known as the Joint Public Service Commission. For Class and positions, the PPSC holds 

examinations. For the many administrative positions that are open in the various state 
government departments, the Punjab PSC hires qualified people. It is one of the toughest examinations conducted by PPSC.


The Punjab PSC examination is conducted in three stages:
  • Prelims
  • Mains
  • Interview

PPSC Past Year Question Paper

If you’re one of the hundreds of candidates preparing to take the PPSC exam, you’ll need to have a well-thought-out study strategy and a strong work ethic if you want to succeed. You should routinely solve PPSC previous year’s papers to help you understand the material. You will learn how to quickly and correctly answer questions from the service commission as well as their tips and methods.

The PPSC Question Papers are a useful resource for learning about the different types of questions that are asked, the weighting of different categories, the exam format, and other topics.


For the benefit of the student’s learning process, we have developed the PPSC Update previous year’s question papers. Learn more about the PPSC previous year question papers for 2021, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and much more by reading this page.

Importance of preparing with Punjab PSC Previous Year Question Papers

By completing prior year’s exams, you gain confidence and become more adept at answering exam-level problems.
Additional advantages of doing these Punjab PSC practise tests include:

  • The Punjab PSC past papers will help you to cover and revise the entire syllabus.
  • These PPSC past papers will also be helpful to check your exam preparation progress.
  • Solving the past papers will allow you to get to know your weak areas. This will allow you to work on those areas simultaneously and improve.
  • Regularly practicing the Punjab PSC Previous Year Questions gives you good timekeeping practice that helps you to complete your paper in time.
  • Your Punjab PSC question-solving speed and accuracy also improve.

We trust that you now appreciate the significance of completing the PPSC practise exams. By completing these problems, you can step up your PPSC exam preparation and increase your confidence in your ability to answer questions correctly on test day.

Punjab PSC Previous Year Papers FAQs

How many PPSC Previous Year Question Papers should be practiced before the exam?

It is recommended that you practise as many Punjab PSC Previous Year Question Paper PDF as possible for the PPSC exam based on your performance. However, after each PPSC question paper practice, you must conduct a proper performance analysis so that you can improve.

Practice should be done in such a way that you can understand your weaknesses and manage your time limit.

What are the benefits of solving these Punjab PSC Previous Year Papers?

You will practise a lot and become familiar with the various question forms used on the Punjab PSC exam.

Can I attempt the PPSC Previous papers more than once?
Yes, you can. These Punjab PSC Question papers will be provided to you in the form of a PDF.
Where can the candidates download the Punjab PSC Previous Year Papers PDFs from?
Candidates can download the Punjab PSC Previous Year Papers PDFs for free either from the official website SolvingPapers.Com
Are the Punjab PSC Previous Year Papers authentic and set according to the exam format of the Examination?
Yes, the PPSC Previous Year Papers are authentic and set according to the exam format of the Examination.